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Disclosure of Reimbursements

All reimbursements to Board Members and/or Employees are disclosed in the monthly financial reports (Income Statement and Check Detail Report) and reviewed by the Finance Committee, which meets the first Wednesday of each month.  Those financial reports are then reviewed and approved by the Board at the monthly Regular Board Meeting, which takes place the second Wednesday of the month.

In compliance with state law, an annual reimbursements report is published for viewing on January 31st. Per Government. Code §53065.5 reports disclosing each reimbursement to officials and employees for an "individual charge" of $100 or more (e.g., one meal, one day's lodging, transportation, a registration fee) must be published and made available for public inspection at least annually by a date determined by the district.

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Reimbursement Report.pdf
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