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Woman of Wellness (WOW) 

Woman of Wellness logo


To educate women in matters of physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being by offering a variety of monthly programs for women of all ages regarding health and wellness choices for themselves and their families.



Image of Novel Coronavirus on cell

WOW meetings have not taken place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we began a monthly newsletter in July, sent out on July 16th. The plan is to send it via Constant Contact mid-month. Last month’s newsletter included photos from WOW meetings and celebrating the District’s 70th Anniversary, along with a recognition of Social Wellness Month. Quotes, Announcements, and a “Did You Know?” section will be featured each month. In August, a synopsis of one of our new grantee: SSNAAPE, will be included with a health article. Our intent is to keep in touch, provide updates about the District, provide something educational, and incorporate some fun too.

Please contact Theresa Geracitano,, or at (760) 731-9187 for any questions and/or to be added to the monthly WOW newsletter. 


April Presentation POSTPONED.pdfMarch Presentation.pdfFebruary Presentation.pdfNovember PresentationOctober PresentationSeptember PresentationAugust PresentationJuly PresentationJune Presentation