Jennifer Jeffries, Ed.D.
Zone 1 (red) Map Link

Current: Chair of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, and Chair of the Government & Public Engagement Committee.
Board Service
Elected: 2022
Elected: 2018
Jennifer Jeffries has been a lifelong resident of San Diego North County. She moved to Fallbrook in 1988 and served as the Superintendent of the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District for ten years. Dr. Jeffries received her Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego and her Master of Arts (M.A.) in Educational Administration and her Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with an English Major and Health Science Minor from San Diego State University. She became a faculty member at California State University San Marcos in 2001 and chaired the educational leadership masters program and the joint educational leadership doctoral program in partnership with UCSD. She also served as Associate Vice President of Planning, Assessment and Accreditation for Academic Affairs until her retirement from CSUSM.
Dr. Jeffries’ focus as a Director of the Fallbrook Regional Health District is to ensure a fiscally responsible approach to the development of the Community Health and Wellness Center, support the awarding of Community Health Contracts so all sectors of the FRHD service area benefit from those services, and to advocate for the continued local control of the health district tax dollars. As a public servant who was accountable to an elected school board, Jennifer learned the importance of communication, transparency and civility in serving the public interest. She strives to apply those principles in her interactions with the public, board member colleagues and professional staff of the Fallbrook Regional Health District
Strategic Planning for Special Districts 3/15/2021Market Update & Outlook Certificate 4/6/2021Harassment Training_ J Jeffries_2023Ethics Training_J Jeffries_2023